• Since the foundation was launched in 2012 it has completed ten grant cycles and made 331 FFHEF Innovation Grants for over $387,000 in projects that directly support the students of Farmington Public Schools. There are many grants we make that benefit multiple schools, our Get on the Bus tour foucses on on the grants that benefit ONLY the building visited.

    2018 Tour

    Wood Creek Elementary School - which has recieved 6 grants for a total of $5,341

    East Middle School - which has recieved 35 grants for a total of $18,304

    Farmington High School - which has recieved 15 Grants for a total of $9,553

    2019 Tour

    East Middle School - which has recieved 38 grants for a total of $21,052

    Farmington High School - which as recieved 17 grants for a total of $11,803

    Power Middle School - which has recieved 14 grants for a total of $15,505

    Lanigan Elementary School - which has recieved 16 grants for a total of $15,956


    Due to Covid-19 our 2020 Tour was cancelled. If conditions allow, there will be a May 2022 tour. To recieve an invitation, email info@ffhedfoundation.org with the subject - I want to get on the bus!

    Thank you for the photos provided by Deb Jacques courtesy of C&G Newspapers Read all about our first Get on the Bus tour here Education foundation goes on the road to woo donors