• Make a 100% tax-deductible gift to the Farmington / Farmington Hills Education Foundation in honor of any Farmington Public Schools’ staff member or organization that has made a special contribution to your student(s) educational experience. Your gift honors your recipient and it supports the ongoing mission of the Foundation to foster investment in innovative educational opportunities to benefit the students of Farmington Public Schools, helping us to continue to Inspire * Innovate * Invest in our students. Your recipient will receive a Certificate of Appreciation customized with your child’s or family name and the name of the staff member(s) you are thanking along with a special message about what makes your honoree(s) special. Your recipient will also have their name added to their school’s recognition board. This is a great way to recognize the Farmington Public Schools’ staff members including paraprofessionals, secretaries, office staff, custodians, bus drivers, teachers, administrators, etc. that are all so important to your child's education.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the foundation’s Executive Director at director@ffhedfoundation.org